A ceremony to recognise supplementary schools who have achieved the national Quality Mark for Supplementary Education was held at City Hall in presence of the Lord Mayor of Bradford and Judith Kirk, Deputy Director of Children’s Services, NRCSE CEO, Pascale Vassie, and other respected councillors and guests from Bradford’s diverse communities including representatives from supplementary schools as well children and young people who inspired the audience with their cultural performances.
Bradford Council, in partnership with the National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education (NRCSE) has recently piloted the nationally recognised Quality Mark launching their commitment to raise the quality of supplementary education in the city at a packed event in February 2016. In July 2017, over 250 people attended a conference at the University of Bradford on the Emerging role of supplementary schools: Practical solutions for challenging times. From June to September 2017, the Bradford Polish School, Bradford Chinese School and Gurdwara Singh Sabha Khalsa Punjabi School were visited by mentors and prepared evidence for a Quality Mark recognition meeting.
Javed Bashir, School Development Officer within Bradford Council’s Diversity & Cohesion Service, said: “We held a Quality Recognition Meeting with the schools in September where portfolios of evidence of their work were presented to education experts. The Bradford Polish School, Bradford Chinese School and Gurdwara Singh Sabha have all achieved the National Quality Mark and the Madrasah Madania Tahfeezul Quran (MMTQ) gained the Bradford Bronze Award, which means they have completed the basic requirements for Safeguarding and now they will go on to complete the other elements which will see them also receive the National Quality Mark in the future. It is fantastic that we can welcome all those involved to an Awards Ceremony at City Hall.
“Coun Imran Khan, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Education, Employment and Skills, said: “This is great news for these schools and our congratulations go to all those who have worked very hard to bring about this positive achievement.”
“We expect every Supplementary School in the district to achieve this Quality Mark, and the Council’s Diversity & Cohesion Service, which works with Supplementary Schools, is aiming for this to happen.”
For more information on how to get involved please contact javed.bashir@bradford.gov.uk or call 01274-439385.

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