Interactive information session on the safe re-opening of out-of-school settings and supplementary schools based on current government guidance. FREE to NRCSE subscribers.
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The Department for Education’s guidance for out-of-school settings who provide activities for children, was updated to reflect Step 3 of the roadmap out of lockdown (from 17 May).
The updated guidance is available at:
Indoor Group Sizes
From 17 May, in line with the commencement of Step 3 of the roadmap, we are no longer recommending a specific limit on group numbers indoors. Instead, when you are considering appropriate group sizes, you should take into account factors such as the recommended occupancy levels of the premises you are operating from and levels of ventilation. See the provider guidance for more information.
Parental Attendance at Settings
We continue to advise that parents and carers should not routinely be present during sessions in out-of-school settings due to the potential increased risk of transmission of COVID-19.
Where parents do attend a session, you should consider the ability to maintain social distancing, levels of ventilation, and the recommended occupancy levels of the premises you are operating from.
These factors may mean that you are unable to accommodate or have to limit the number of parents and carers that are present during a session.
Face Coverings in Schools/ FE Colleges
This will only be relevant to those of you who operate from a school/ FE premises.
From 17 May, in line with Step 3 of the roadmap, face coverings will no longer be recommended in classrooms and in all communal areas for children in year 7 and above.
Face coverings will also no longer be recommended for staff in classrooms.
We continue to recommend that face coverings should be worn by staff and visitors in situations outside of classrooms where social distancing is not possible (for example, when moving around in corridors and communal areas).
NB: any further updates in government guidance will be included at the information session.
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