Charmed Lives in Greece
I’m delighted to invite you and your students, teachers and families to an exclusive Community Preview of Charmed Lives in Greece: Ghika, Craxton & Leigh Fermor at the British Museum on Sunday 4th March 2018. The exhibition explores the friendship of the artists Nikos Hadjikyriakos-
Ghika and John Craxton and the writer Patrick Leigh Fermor and how their work was inspired by a shared love of Greece.
We are also inviting schools to take part in the Great Postcard Challenge and have their own artwork, inspired by the exhibition, displayed at the museum on the day. We’d love your school to get involved and have a resource pack we can send you with information on the exhibition and submitting artwork.
To book your tickets* and for information on the resource and postcard challenge please email before Monday 12th February
Save the Date – 17th March 2018
As part of British Science Week, we will be organising an exciting day for supplementary schools to explore Science, Maths and history through objects in the museum’s collection. The special event Zoom-in will also be taking place in the museum, where you will be able to explore how science unlocks objects’ secrets, see the latest technology in action and handle raw materials.
More information to follow but if you have any questions in the meantime please contact
020 7323 8972
Alice Ross
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