Thought provoking article by Teresa Tinsley about why we need community language exams, not just mother-tongue speakers but all of Britain. Back in 2013 my colleague Kate Board and I […]
YPF Trust | centre for Supplementary Education
Quality assurance for supplementary schools
Thought provoking article by Teresa Tinsley about why we need community language exams, not just mother-tongue speakers but all of Britain. Back in 2013 my colleague Kate Board and I […]
Creative Teaching and Learning can transform the lives of young people. |
Legal requirements for supplementary schools or other out-of-school settings |
We will have a lot of Northamptonshire schools for Silver next year, as I am working very hard to get them there. I feel this is so important. It will improve their standing with the authorities and the mainstream schools. I am in the process of submitting a training package to Awards For to fund NRCSE Courses that lead to the Certificate. Hopefully we will get it. Fingers crossed.
Thank you for all your support this year.