NB/ these documents will be updated periodically in line with the Government’s guidelines on Keeping Children Safe during Community Activities and Out-of-School Settings and the Quality Mark for Supplementary Education….
YPF Trust | centre for Supplementary Education
Quality assurance for supplementary schools
NB/ these documents will be updated periodically in line with the Government’s guidelines on Keeping Children Safe during Community Activities and Out-of-School Settings and the Quality Mark for Supplementary Education….
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If you are a supplementary school and still seeing this message after trying the above, it means your Quality Framework Award has expired. Register here to upload evidence that your school is running safely and effectively
Creative Teaching and Learning can transform the lives of young people. |
Legal requirements for supplementary schools or other out-of-school settings |
I’m very delighted to let you know that thanks to your support and hard work our application to BBC Children in Need has been awarded for three years. On behalf of our management committee and from me, I would like say THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! for your support