Recognition Meeting

Recognition Meeting for Polish Saturday School Willesden and Albanian school Kosova Chair: Dr Mon Partovi Scrutineers:  Martin Cresswell- Senior Adviser: Safeguarding & Inclusion (Camden Learning), Educational Expert Pascale Vassie – Executive […]

UNICEF Children’s Rights Training for Out-of-School-Settings (Workshop One)

NRCSE invites you to take part in our exciting project with UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK). This FREE* training is for supplementary school/out-of-school settings (OOSS) managers and leaders on children’s rights. This project is funded by the John Lyon’s Charity. Book your place for Workshop One INTRODUCING CHILDREN’S RIGHTS today! There are two dates available – […]

Barnet Supplementary School Forum

Updates from NRCSE and Young Barnet Foundation, and a forum for Supplementary Schools to share achievements/concerns and to network with peers About this event Agenda • Good Management Training – […]