Thought provoking and insightful as ever, read Gus John’s response to the RSAs current research into supplementary education Prof. Gus John » The RSA Supplementary Schools Investigation This comment […]
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Polska Szkola Przedmiotow Ojczystych im.Juliana Tuwima w Harlow
Do like Harlow Polish School and book a full day training course with an NRCSE trainer Polska Szkola Przedmiotow Ojczystych im.Juliana Tuwima w Harlow updating their safeguarding and child protection […]
British Museum training for supplementary schools
Ahead of the #supplementaryschools activity weekend British.Museum training session for teachers/volunteers, 7 Feb, 1.30pm call Emma to book 020 7323 8398 British Museum A museum of the world, for the […]
Northamptonshire schools achieve Bronze Quality Framework Award! Wel…
Another Northamptonshire school achieves the Bronze Quality Framework Award! Well done to you and your mentor Ute @ANSS Association of Northamptonshire Supplementary Schools Bronze Award Zostaliśmy wyróżnieni “Bronze Award Certyficate”, […]