All NRCSE’s training and publications are carefully designed to complement each other and give you the support you need to ensure safe and effective supplementary education for children and young people. If you provide classes teaching culture, mother-tongue, languages, core curriculum subjects, arts, faith and heritage NRCSE has the resources to support you.
The NRCSE can provide training anywhere in England. Download our training brochure for details about our courses and check the events pages for forthcoming dates for our open training.
We are also happy to work with you to organise training to meet local need in your county or borough. Please get in touch with us by email to discuss your training needs.
STOP PRESS! We have been successful in getting our Level 3 Certificate in Teaching in the Supplementary Education Sector training recognised as a national vocational qualification, approved for Skills Funding Agency support. This should provide a way for local authorities to continue supporting supplementary schools, helping them to improve the effectiveness of their service delivery, despite massive cuts to their budgets.
All of our courses are available for local authorities or clusters of schools to buy in. For more information about our training, head to the following pages:
Book a place on one of our Autumn term open training sessions here Non-Members or here NRCSE Members
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