Supplementary school visits

NRCSE quality development advisers visit supplementary schools every Saturday and Sunday to support them in their progress towards the Quality Mark. We are also happy to work with madrassahs, after school clubs, and other out-of-school providers meeting during the week. Our quality development advisers have extensive experience of the sector and understand your timetables. If […]

MiFamily Erasmus+ transnational project mtg

Resource for London 356 Holloway Road, London, United Kingdom
Education systems can act as an important socialisation mechanism for migrants and host communities to foster mutual understanding, respect and trust. But many education systems struggle to provide the language training necessary for migrants to succeed in their new communities. Many students with a migrant background are also blocked by language barrier. On average, 64% […]

Supplementary School visits

NRCSE quality development advisers visit supplementary schools every Saturday and Sunday to support them in their progress towards the Quality Mark. We are also happy to work with madrassahs, after school clubs, and other out-of-school providers meeting during the week. Our quality development advisers have extensive experience of the sector and understand your timetables. If […]

Position of modern langs in British education system

The event, to be held at the British Academy, will consist of an opening talk on the Leathes Report, and three round tables discussing issues that emerge from it. NRCSE is invited to contribute to the round table on The Value of Modern Languages, focusing on what Leathes calls the ‘relative importance of the several […]

Supplementary school visits

NRCSE quality development advisers visit supplementary schools every Saturday and Sunday to support them in their progress towards the Quality Mark. We are also happy to work with madrassahs, after school clubs, and other out-of-school providers meeting during the week. Our quality development advisers have extensive experience of the sector and understand your timetables. If […]

Harrow Quality Recognition Meeting

Norbury School Weldon Crescent, Harrow
Over December 2017, supplementary schools in Harrow completed the 3-day Good Management training and, with the support of Securing Success, have spent the spring term building portfolios of evidence of the teaching and learning that takes place in their organisations each week. The first of the Harrow Quality Recognition Meetings will take place in June, […]

Family First Nights 2018

The Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church 235 Shaftesbury Ave, London, Bloomsbury
Send your families to the theatre for only £6 a ticket! 23 July – 27 August Family First Nights is a unique family theatre access programme celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. We want to invite you and your families to be a part of it! To register as a partner organisation, simply complete this […]